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Living a Life of Passion
By: Bill Johnson

One of the warriors of old made this statement: “The purpose of war is victory, and the purpose of victory is occupation.” In the Kingdom, we add one more step to the process: The purpose of occupation is expansion.

The Lord would not give the Promised Land to Israel all at once because they did not have the ability to occupy all of the territory. By only giving them the amount of land they could occupy, He positioned them for expansion. Expansion is vital to advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. The man who was given the one talent and buried it simply occupied and protected that accomplishment but suffered tremendously because he did not take what he had and position it for increase (Matthew 25:15-28).

It’s important that we view life with the perspective of expansion and forward motion. When we think this way, we are positioning ourselves for increase and promotion. It’s not healthy to simply find a place you want to stay in and occupy. The moment you have found a leveling-off place is the moment you begin backsliding.

When your passion begins to decline, you already start to die. You were born to burn. Elisha came to the king and said, “Please strike the ground with these arrows.” And he struck the ground three times. The prophet became furious at the king and said, “If only you had struck the ground five or six times you would have annihilated the enemy, but now you’re only going to have three temporary victories.” Because the king did not live out of passion, he couldn’t carry the anointing that God wanted to give him, and it cost the nation. When leaders don’t have passion, it costs everyone who follows.

Passion and the anointing run in parallel courses. A person with passion will take risks. Everything you want in the realm of the Kingdom is found through this veil of difficulty by stepping into the realm of inconvenience. You don’t get it by coasting on yesterday’s breakthrough. You were born for expansion.

[Written by: Bill Johnson]
Originally posted here:

 It is s beautiful day here in the Lower Mainland, even though we had snow last week (what’s up with that?)  Both days were beautiful, each in their own way. 

On Sunday, in the prayer room, I saw that God was blowing His fresh breath on us.  It felt like when you have a peppermint and you drink water.  You can’t tell if it’s hot or cold but you do notice a difference from your regular breath.  It felt to me like those that needed a cool drink of living water would receive exactly that.  Yet the ones who needed and wanted a blast of fire, they would get that. 

The next day, He confirmed this to me with the unexpected snowfall.  It felt like a robe of righteousness had clothed the land, purifying and cleansing it for what He is going to do in it next.

Today, allow the Father to lift your head and whisper in your ear that there is nothing that you and Him can’t tackle together!  Hope deferred runs away at the first sign of His glorious light.  Think on the things that cause you to feel bitter, the anger that came from a disappointment and forgive others, forgive yourself and if necessary forgive God.  Don’t let the enemy have another moment in your heart.  Your heart is God’s land, His territory if you will.  He is doing a spring cleaning so He can decorate it with His fresh breath.

So breath in His goodness and kindness. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance, and be ready for this next season, it’s going to rock and roll.

What does that mean?  I’m not really too sure as this is the only place that I’ve ever known.  I can only imagine that somewhere “out there” is perhaps another realm that Father has created for His own good pleasure.  A debatable conundrum to be sure.




But as I think on it, I get to experience other realms…right here, right now.

For me some of those realities could be translated to reflect the seasons that I’ve been allowed to experience.  Some of those seasons could be further translated to “opportunities” that Father has allowed me to be a part of.  Those opportunities for me have names, names like “being Spirit filled”.  Other seasons might be called marriage, children, the Ambulance Service (or other employment/career experiences).  One of my most exciting seasons right now is that of Eastgate.  Wow!

It is through this last season (Realm), that “more” make sense, or becomes clear.  What things you might ask?  Well, I’m now in that season/reality that allows me to see the miraculous made real.  I hear my Heavenly Father more clearly (not perfectly…just with greater clarity), I see the lame walk, the blind see, hope restored…and on it goes.

It’s almost as if Papa pulls back another veil and beckons me to come, to explore, to step just a little more into His world, His realm, that place of intimacy.  This is so very exciting.

I can hardly wait to see what’s behind tomorrow’s veil, what revelation is waiting for me to co-labour with God.  Hummmm.


[Written by: John Lowe]
also posted here.

I find it absolutely fascinating how my Father in heaven reminds me that He is still with me, and that He loves me.  It’s easy for me to think that part of my relationship is predicated on what He will do for me in the future.  And yes, I understand that He is a good giver of gifts to His children…but I digress:

I have this little dog, a small but bossy Bishion Friesee to be exact, that takes me for a walk twice a day.  We have a predetermined route that we travel and on my walk I pass a little red, not so new, Toyota.  On this little car, firmly affixed to the bumper, is a sign that reads…”Did You Thank God Today?”.  I don’t know why, but it seems to catch me by surprise each time.  That little car sits in the same spot and so I asked Father why this was so.  I felt Him saying…”So that it’s fresh, new and moves you to action.”

Now I know that you’re not that way, but I am.  I’m in need of that little Holy Spirit “nudge” if you will and so I move into silent prayer, while I continue on my walk with “Ruffles”…my canine companion.  Who says men can’t multi-task.

And although it’s good to be excited about the future, and that’s good, it is really easy to overlook my present; what I already have to gloss over it if you will, as that is already within my grasp.

Where are you going with this John?  Well, let me escort you into a typical prayer walk with my Papa.  I thank Him that I’ve just woken up from an eight hour sleep on a comfy bed beside the bride of my dreams.  Thank you Lord.  I then swing my legs over the side of the bed and then stand up.  Thank you Lord that I have two legs that respond to my command and can carry me about.  I look outside to get a peak of the weather that Ruffles and I will be in in just a few minutes   Thank you Lord for my sight.  Sometimes, I thank Him for my body, my lungs, my heart etc.  This may sound kind of silly, but ask anybody who can’t breathe if they would be thankful for new lungs.  Ask anyone who has just experienced a major heart attack if they would be thankful for a heart that works without compromise or complaint.  And on it goes.

And one more thing Papa.  Thanks for that little red Toyota that reminds me of all that You have already granted.  It’s going to be a good day, despite what lies ahead of me.  Thank You Father God!

Your Thankful son…John

[Written by: John Lowe]
Also posted on EG’s website.

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