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Recently, as I was reading the story of Lazarus in John 11, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that He is resurrecting dead dreams. And it began a journey of realizing what a major mass murderer of dreams offense and unforgiveness can be in the church!

Many of us can think that we have lost our passion for Jesus, but what has happened is that our passion and dreams get buried under some hurt, pain, and offense. I know in my own life, as the Lord has been walking me through a journey of restoration, I have found that the more I forgive and the more I release offense, the more my heart comes alive. I once heard someone say that the Christian life is 95% heart, 5% gifting. I believe that. God is passionate about our hearts!

You see, God not only wants to heal the pain in our hearts brought through hard circumstances, hurts and offenses, but He wants to completely restore us into sonship. A place of confidence of knowing who we are and who’s we are. The Father is restoring our identity, resurrecting our dreams passions. The Father’s idea of restoration is not restoring you to the way things were, the ‘good ole days’, but better than ever. He is taking us to place that is beyond were we have been, beyond what we could think or imagine. Don’t allow the enemy to keep your dreams, destiny, and heart buried under unforgiveness and offense.

Get passionate about walking in wholeness! Release it all! And I know as you do Jesus will open His mouth, and with a roar of power, passion,and authority, call you, your dreams and destiny out of the grave and into life!

Written by: Michael Peters

Have you ever had…just one of those days?

You know the ones don’t you?  It’s that day that you’ve got to face your in-laws because of something you inadvertently blurted out, and now you’re getting called on it.  Or maybe it’s a huge exam that you have to take because you want to advance your career and you know you should have put more time into your studies, but alas, the day of reckoning is here.  This is the day of the exam!  You get the idea.

I had one of those days today.  There was something that needed my attention and I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with it.  To me it was sort of like looking forward to a root canal…without anesthetic.  Do you know what I mean?

It wasn’t so much about what was the issue was that was begging for my attention NOW, as realizing that I wasn’t alone.  I really wasn’t.

I not only had people who supported me through this “testing of my heart” time, but I knew deep down that Papa God would be there.  Hebrews 13:5  Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NKJ)

I also realized that I can’t really trust my feelings all the time.  I learned a long time ago that “Feelings are neither right nor wrong.  They just are.”  Or somebody else (famous I’m sure) said…“Feel the fear and do it anyway!”

And now in retrospect, I so realize that He was in the midst of what was happening. And I learned something new (again) today.  And yes it comes right from scripture.  I chose the Message this time.

Romans 31 – 39…”So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture.”

And so it wasn’t about other people as it was about my relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  And yes, keep me teachable.  Thank you Papa.

Note to Self:  The next time you’ve got something big to handle…read the above.

[Written by: John Lowe]
Also posted here.

I guess that kind of runs against the thinking of those who say,  “I want it now!”

There was a book that I read a few years ago and, although most of what I recall is fuzzy, this I do remember: If you want to gauge the emotional maturity of someone, see if they can delay gratification.

Let me give you an idea of what I mean.  Let’s say that I give my children (of which I have two) seven chocolates each and instruct them to only allow themselves one a day so that by weeks end, they’ll be enjoying the very last delicacy.  My children are very different from each other and shall remain nameless, but one of them would do their level best to resist temptation, but, alas, would have consumed all seven chocolates before noon. While the other one would carefully meter out the one chocolate for the day and so would have something to look forward to each day.

It’s sort of like opening all your Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and then bemoan the fact that there were no surprises left for Christmas day.

And so for me there is much to be learned in “the waiting time.” Yes I would like things right away.  And I know that my heavenly Father has good things in store for me.  After all, scripture does say…  Matthew 7:11 “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

But it often comes down to timing doesn’t it?  And to be more specific, it’s about His timing.  It always has been that and I have to confess, I don’t always understand it.  I have to trust in the fact that His ways are higher than my ways.

And when I approach the Throne of Grace and ask, sometimes what appears to be a “No” in fact is a “John, not just yet”.  He’s not denying me (if what I’ve requested is Father’s will).  He’s giving me an opportunity to build my character and to be in that place of developing a right heart within me.

For there is much to be learned in the time of waiting.  And so the lesson becomes one of knowing that He has heard, but also, what am I doing during my time of anticipation?  How is my heart attitude during this time of what seems like delay?  It is during that time of waiting for “His presence” that I make my heart ready for His gift.  Why, so I can approach the throne yet again tomorrow with a right heart and cry out Abba Father.  Thanks Papa.

John Lowe

Rewards.  Who doesn’t like them, look forward to them, want or need them?  It is often what motivates children and adults alike.  Whether we reward ourselves after a long hard work-week with a dinner & movie or take the family on vacation in summertime, rewards are part of our make up, built in so to speak .

Rewards are a big deal to our Heavenly Daddy who shares in Ruth 2:12, “ A full reward be given you by the Lord.”  And in Psalm 103:2, we are encouraged or maybe even implored to “Forget not all His benefits/rewards.”

God is really big on rewards!!  I believe He is reminding us today of all His rewards for us!  We can’t pay a price in God that we don’t get greater back!  Greater faith, greater hope, greater joy, greater love, greater strength, wisdom, friendship, healing, & wholeness………greater!!!

Bill Johnson says, “If we forget the rewards, we’ll exalt the cost.”  Let’s deemphasize the price or cost and emphasize the prize, the reward, the hope!  And hope is the confident expectation of good coming!  Let’s wake up hope that is within us !!  And we do so by believing in the promises of our reward giving God!

[Written by: Kristen Olynick]
Also appears here.

You have been given a hope and a future so wild and unbelievably good that it has yet to be conceived or even imagined in your own heart! You have received an eternal inheritance, one of which the mind of man has yet to fully discover or perceive! You have entered into a contract with the most powerful and true partner in all the earth – Jesus Himself! And as co-labors, you are working together with the Creator of the Universe to establish all that is in His heart, and in yours!

 You’ve not been left alone in these ventures, but you’ve been given the gift of eternal friendship, and the most intimate of companions, in the Holy Spirit! Your success is imminent in the awesome knowledge that He works out all things for your GOOD! You are the head and not the tail, you are the victor and not the victim, you are the blessed and not the cursed, you are the justified and glorified, not the condemned or the crucified!

 You’ve been given the keys to peace, to righteousness, and to JOY in the Holy Spirit! You are walking around this earth with an “all access pass” that grants you entry into every realm of Heaven, and the authority to bring those realms into your circumstances! You cannot be separated from the love of God! You can’t be crushed, you will not be destroyed!

 You are a son/daughter of GOD!


[Written by: Randi Strickland]
Also posted here.

 It is s beautiful day here in the Lower Mainland, even though we had snow last week (what’s up with that?)  Both days were beautiful, each in their own way. 

On Sunday, in the prayer room, I saw that God was blowing His fresh breath on us.  It felt like when you have a peppermint and you drink water.  You can’t tell if it’s hot or cold but you do notice a difference from your regular breath.  It felt to me like those that needed a cool drink of living water would receive exactly that.  Yet the ones who needed and wanted a blast of fire, they would get that. 

The next day, He confirmed this to me with the unexpected snowfall.  It felt like a robe of righteousness had clothed the land, purifying and cleansing it for what He is going to do in it next.

Today, allow the Father to lift your head and whisper in your ear that there is nothing that you and Him can’t tackle together!  Hope deferred runs away at the first sign of His glorious light.  Think on the things that cause you to feel bitter, the anger that came from a disappointment and forgive others, forgive yourself and if necessary forgive God.  Don’t let the enemy have another moment in your heart.  Your heart is God’s land, His territory if you will.  He is doing a spring cleaning so He can decorate it with His fresh breath.

So breath in His goodness and kindness. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance, and be ready for this next season, it’s going to rock and roll.

I love children!  I’ve worked with kids for over 2 decades and find their characteristics, such as curiosity, adventure, simplicity, passion, playfulness, love & affection, to name only a few, to be so refreshing!  

One characteristic that stands out to me is that children under the age of 6 laugh an average of 400 times a day! In contrast, we adults statistically laugh a mere 15 times a day!  A shocking comparison! And it’s no surprise that I enjoy being in the presence of children, with these kinds of stats! :)

I am seeing something wonderful while working/hanging with the kids and it’s that they are so hungry for God and His world.  Often time, we will lay out together on our mats and listen to “soaking” music.  After 10 or 15 minutes we sit up and one by one each child begins to share what they have experienced.  For some it’s pictures they saw, others describe a sense of well being, feeling so loved and refreshed.   They then go on to draw or paint what they have just encountered and the pictures are really incredible.  God is speaking and revealing Himself and His realm!

As God’s children, we’ve been given a powerful gift.  With this power, we are able to see different realms and different kingdoms that cannot be seen with our natural eyes.  This gift is called faith.

Faith is like having eyes in our heart, our spirit.  With these eyes we can see the invisible world.  God is always speaking, one way and yet another. His desire to speak with us even outweighs our desire to hear from Him. Can you imagine that!

So today, become like a child once again, and allow those eyes inside of your heart to be opened in a fresh way! You God is speaking to you! And all it takes to hear what He is saying is childlike faith; the simple belief that He is who He says He is! Enter in to His world today!

[Written by: Kristen Olynick]
Click here to listen to the EG Podcast of this message

Mark 5 tells the story of a woman who had suffered a terrible disease for 12 years. She was in tormenting pain; the bible say’s that she, ‘suffered much’, and had even gone bankrupt trying to find a cure through doctors. Just imagine her situation: 12 years of unbearable pain and not a penny to her name, this disease had devastated her life. She is the picture of desperation and brokenness.

“She had heard reports about Jesus.” I love this verse. She heard talk around of this Jesus who was healing, saving, delivering. Hope flamed in her heart. She said to herself, ‘If I touch even his garments I will be made well.” Can you believe this? Just hearing second hand stories, testimonies, of what Jesus was doing caused this amazing faith to rise up in her. It caused her to reach out and touch Jesus.

Did you know that just by talking about what Jesus is doing you can release amazing faith in people that will cause them to reach out and have a life changing encounter with Jesus?

At this point in the story, she came up behind Jesus, while there was a massive crowd surrounding him, and she touched his clothes. As she reached out and touched His clothes, Jesus felt power flow from him and she was immediately healed. No more pain, no more suffering, she had her life back. But get this, when she reached out and touched Jesus there was a massive crowd pressing into Him, hundreds where touching Him but only one hand really TOUCHED Him. It was the hand of desperation, the hand of expectation; it was the hand that recognized Jesus for who He really is.

I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be a part of the crowd that is following Jesus, carelessly bumping into Him but not receiving anything. I want to be like this woman, I want to recognize Jesus for who He really is, I want to touch His heart and see His power released to the hurting, broken and desperate. Jesus is calling you to take a fresh look at Him, and to see Him for who He really is and then reach to out and touch Him.

Your life and the lives of countless others will never be the same as you recognize Jesus.

[Written by: Mike Peters]

Recently, Kristen and I performed a wedding ceremony – also known as the sacred covenant of marriage. It was a beautiful time of celebration! And yet maybe you’re like us and may ask yourself, “What does covenant really mean anyway?” If your were to look up covenant [ – of course :)],  here is what you would find:


  • an agreement, usually formal
  • a solemn agreement
  • to promise by covenant; pledge


Sounds pretty dry doesn’t it? In fact, it seems that there is an entire generation that is not seeking covenant; possibly because of a lack of understanding the joy & beauty in promising to love a man or a woman for the rest of their natural lives.

There are many beautiful passages of Scripture that we
believe provide great advice for those who are entering a marriage covenant.

The one that speaks deeply of covenant to us is when Jesus spoke in the book of John, “Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” One of the great missionaries of our day, Heidi Baker, has a famous quote: “laid down lovers of Jesus.”
A beautiful portrayal of covenant.  A deep intimate relationship developed out of commitment, respect & honoring one another. Most of us will probably never be faced with the decision to take a “bullet” for other person, yet “laying down ones life” for another sounds really amazing; it sounds a lot like “covenant.”

Preferring, deferring, listening, yielding to one another is so necessary, yet can sound a little dry [ – you know what we mean :)] Yet this ‘marriage covenant thing’ can be considered a great adventure when you look at it from a heavenly perspective. Looking for the “gold” in each other, the potential, the deep desires of the heart… yes you already know this, yet the depths of this adventure are endless, eternal, extremely deep. It is a covenant to help each other be all that you can be.

You could go to Africa to touch an “unreached people” group [in which many of you probably do :)]. Yet what about the unreached “potential” in the one you have covenanted with? Partnering ,or “covenanting,” with heaven adds an even greater dynamic to your relationship as you plunge into the depths to search out what God has “hidden” for you to find. Covenanting or agreeing to help each other be all that God has designed you to be means your marriage can be unstoppable – you will never stop growing in your love for each other.

No greater love than this, than when you lay down your life for one another.

[Written by: Brian Olynick]

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